Bread story



When the bread is baked on fire, the black marks on it are called flowers and the best baked bread is the one on which beautiful uniform flowers fall.

This is not only a critical test of a woman's skills, experience and training. It also depends on the farmer's labor, the quality of the wheat and the flour mill. How much the farmer plowed the field before sowing the seeds and how he kept the ratio of water to soil.

Who hasn't read the story of a farmer's daughter-in-law as a child, whose father-in-law's kneaded dough was filled with kaga beak and his daughter-in-law laughed and said, The farmer felt bad about this. On his inquiry, the daughter-in-law said, "Abaji, next time before sowing wheat, when the land is ready, show it to me before sowing the seeds."

Let's get things done. During the sowing season, the farmer and his sons plowed hard and prepared the land for themselves. The daughter-in-law placed a jug full of water on her head and reached the field. Going there, he lifted the pot from his head and dropped it on the ground. The pot burst and all the water flowed away. The daughter-in-law refused to plant the seeds and asked for more plowing. The farmer and his sons worked hard and plowed the whole field again. The daughter-in-law then dropped the jug full of water. Which broke again.


The daughter-in-law called the preparation of the land insufficient and walked home laughing.

The farmer and his sons worked harder on the third day .The soil was very soft and well ventilated. When the pot was dropped on that day, instead of breaking, the soil became soft and full

Sank to the ground and survived. This time the daughter-in-law declared the land suitable for sowing seeds.

The seed was sown and the harvest was good.

 Golden ears of wheat were brought home. The daughter-in-law sifted the flour thoroughly. Now while sitting in the yard kneading the dough, Kaga came again to snatch the flour but this time Kaga's beak got stuck in the flour. Because of the hard work on the ground, the quality of the wheat was better and the flour was better


The proverb is that


Bring the shadows,

Nine, give me nine fists,

Chal aud jhaliya kanwan choonchan kath phasayan.

The Lord plowed the earth twenty-one times,

The daughter-in-law knead the dough nine times with her fists,

So, O foolish raven, in what flour have you stuck your beak?

 It reminded me of a childhood lesson.



     Nowadays, ingredients are separated from wheat, such as semolina and sifted flour. Its bread is baked but white like lifeless rubber. Grind the fine flour by giving the wheat itself. Knead the dough to make it. Grind the flour with great effort. Add a small amount of salt to it. Knead the dough relatively soft. Add a small amount of butter, margarine, ghee or oil to your liking.

Allow at least an hour between kneading the dough and baking the bread. More breaks season the flour. Just to keep the dough from spoiling, keep the dough in a cool shady place like refrigerator to prevent spoilage. If the flour is kept at room temperature for ten minutes before baking the bread, it becomes easier to make the dough and roll the bread.

Make a medium sized pan and take it evenly with finely chopped vines. Bread from a heavy loaf will remain thick and raw, while bread from a very small loaf will harden and become papad. Even more dryness falls on the bread.

Make it a habit to wipe the dough with a cloth before adding each new loaf.

Heat faster than before and slow down the fire. After adding bread, the fire can be increased. If it is not non-stick, then apply a little oil or ghee on it and clean it with a cloth. It will also be non-stick.

Now put the bread on the stove. As soon as one side is lightly cooked. Just so that if the bread is not broken when it is turned over, then turn it over.

Keep rolling the bread on the stove with the help of cloth or tongs as per your habit. Remember that you do not turn the side till this side is fully cooked. If you want to eat light, keep shaking the bread with the light pressure of the cloth .The bread will start to swell. If you have the skill, do it on one side and bake it on the fire coming out of the side of the toe by twisting the side of the bread. Or remove the stove directly and bake bread on direct fire. In this case steel pliers will be used instead of cloth.


Once one side is cooked, turn the bread over and bake on the other side as well. Summer is ready.

There is a saying that the faster the eater is hungry, the more the bread thrives.

Enjoy the bread by adding various ingredients like flour, fennel, coriander, fenugreek, celery, plain or roasted cumin to increase the flavor in the bread.

Put fresh butter on a hot plate and fold it. The butter will melt and be absorbed into the bread and its delicious aroma and taste can be a severe test of your stomach and patience. .

Whoever it is, such a loving bread doubles the enjoyment of this meal.

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